Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe have unveiled a new trailer for upcoming title New Gundam Breaker. The trailer titled ‘How to build a Gunpla’ gives more insight into the amazing possibilities for personalisation. New Gundam Breaker will be available on 22nd June 2018 for both PlayStation 4 and PC.
NEW GUNDAM BREAKER lets you design your own Mobile Suit Gunpla. You can customise the appearance to create your own model based on your favourite Mechs! Each part will have its own associated stats, competences, buffs or gameplay features. A Gunpla with an axe will have a different combo from one with a double saber. This will allow players to personalise their Gunpla’s gameplay!
The personalisation doesn’t end there as your model can be further customised with unique painting options and adjustable location, placement size and more. Create your ultimate dream Gunpla and then choose your ideal pose and background and share your creation with the world with your very own photoshoot. New Gundam Breaker will feature a massive 100 mobile suits from previous games as base Gunpla with 11 exclusive new models. Through regular updates, more mobile suits will become available making New Gundam Breaker feature the most models. Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe has also announced that all future DLC will be free!
New Gundam Breaker will be available on 22nd June 2018 for both PlayStation 4 and PC.