Welcome to the February manga release schedule, apologies again for the lack of a January schedule but we’re back with more delicious releases. This month maybe slow for anime releases but boy is it full of manga and there is definitely something for everyone.
Bleach and Naruto fans will have to wait and see what’s in store next month but there’s plenty more to get your teeth stuck into this month. We’ve got more Attack on Titan, Fairy Tail and Tiger & Bunny but it doesn’t stop there we also have a new series incoming – well I say new but it’s actually an older series some people may have heard of called Dragonball. Yes I know Dragonball has already been released but this version is in Full Colour, also it’s not the complete series either they will be starting from volume 17 of the original series which is when Dragonball Z starts. Dragonball Z manga in full colour not many manga get that treatment so I’m definitely looking forward to it.
01/02 Alice in the Country of Hearts Vol.2 Seven Seas Ent.
01/02 Dictatorial Grimoire Vol.2 Seven Seas Ent.
01/02 Haganai: I Don’t Have Many Friends Vol.5 Seven Seas Ent.
01/02 Love in Hell Vol.2 Seven Seas Ent.
01/02 Zero’s Familiar Omnibus Vol.6-7 Seven Seas Ent.
04/02 Monster Musume Vol.2 Seven Seas Ent.
06/02 Attack on Titan Vol.11 Kodansha Comics
06/02 The Wallflower Vol.32 Kodansha Comics
11/02 Inuyasha Vol.18 (Viz Big Edition) Viz Media
13/02 07-Ghost Vol.8 Viz Media
13/02 Case Closed Vol.49 Viz Media
13/02 His Favorite Vol.6 SuBLime
13/02 Kimi ni Todoke Vol.18 Viz Media
13/02 Natsume’s Book of Friends Vol.15 Viz Media
13/02 NightS SuBLime
13/02 Otomen Vol.17 Viz Media
13/02 Strobe Edge Vol.8 Viz Media
13/02 The Prince of Tennis Vol.42 Viz Media
15/02 Pandora Hearts Vol.19 Yen Press
15/02 The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Vol.17 Yen Press
18/02 Blood Lad Vol.4 Yen Press
18/02 Bokurano: Ours Vol.10 Viz Media
18/02 Is This A Zombie? Vol.7 Yen Press
18/02 Pandora Hearts Vol.20 Yen Press
18/02 Puella Magi Kazumi Magica: The Innocent Malice Vol.4 Yen Press
18/02 Strike Witches: Maidens in the Sky Vol.1 Seven Seas Ent.
18/02 Thermae Romae Vol.3 Yen Press
20/02 Air Gear Vol.30 Kodansha Comics
20/02 Battle Angel Alita: Last Order Omnibus Vol.3 Kodansha Comics
20/02 Cage of Eden Vol.13 Kodansha Comics
20/02 Knights of Sidonia Vol.7 Vertical Inc
20/02 Nijigahara Holograph Fantagraphics
20/02 Sankarea: Undying Love Vol.5 Kodansha Comics
25/02 BTOOOM! Vol.5 Yen Press
25/02 Judge Vol.3 Yen Press
27/02 Dragonball Full Color Vol.1 Viz Media
27/02 Fairy Tail Vol.35 Kodansha Comics
27/02 Insufficient Direction: Hideaki Anno X Moyoco Anno Vertical Inc
27/02 Magi Vol.4 Viz Media
27/02 No. 6 Volume Vol.5 Kodansha Comics
27/02 Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan Vol.19 Viz Media
27/02 One Piece (3-in-1 Edition)Vol.8 Viz Media
27/02 Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura Vol.12 Viz Media
27/02 Tiger & Bunny Vol.4 Viz Media
27/02 Toriko Vol.20 Viz Media
You may notice the release dates from most of the publisher’s websites differ from what I have stated here. This is because they are intended for the US not us here in the UK, so I have relied on Amazon to give the correct date for the UK release but in some cases these are also wrong.