2017 is already looking set to be a great year with Manga Entertainment’s latest announcement. The UK-based distributor has announced that it has licensed Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, as well as Power Rangers Dino Charge and Power Rangers Dino Super Charge for a UK home video release!
Scheduled for an initial release of April 2017, Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers will be available on DVD in three Complete Season Collections, with Power Rangers Dino Charge and Dino Super Charge to follow later in the year.
“Another fantastic franchise to add to our ever expanding catalogue of successful brands,” said Andrew Hewson, Marketing Manager at Manga UK. “This is an amazing opportunity for us to work closely with Saban Brands to bring this iconic and much beloved franchise to UK fans!”
After its premiere in August of 1993, Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers became a phenomenon in children’s programming unlike anything the world had ever seen. An instant global sensation, the franchise launched a hugely successful toy line, live stage tours and, most importantly, two continuous decades of entertainment that continues to capture the imagination of multiple generations of fans. Saban Brands and Lionsgate will also release Saban’s Power Rangers feature film on March 24, 2017. Now UK fans can re-experience the origins of the international sensation while introducing it to a new generation of fans.
Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
In 1993 two unsuspecting astronauts unleashed the greatest evil Earth had ever known: the heinous witch Rita Repulsa. In the 20 years since, with each new villain more sinister than the last, the citizens of Earth have relied on the Power Rangers to protect them. As a superhero team of “teenagers with attitude,” the Power Rangers must use their individual strengths combined with the virtue of teamwork to vanquish their foes, keeping Earth safe for another day.
Power Rangers Dino Charge
Millions of years ago, an intergalactic bounty hunter named Sledge tried desperately to capture the 10 mysterious Energems, each capable of filling whomever possessed them with incredible powers. Keeper, the wise and ancient guardian of the Energems, entrusted each Energem to the Earth’s mightiest beasts, the dinosaurs, for protection. Centuries later after the dinosaurs went extinct, some of the Energems were discovered by humans. Those who proved worthy gained the ability to morph into Power Rangers. But now, Sledge has returned and has vowed to capture the Energems at all costs. It is up to the Power Rangers Dino Charge to hunt down the rest of the Energems and defeat Sledge once and for all!
Power Rangers Dino Super Charge
The Power Rangers continue their search for the Energems after Sledge’s defeat, but soon learn that his most dangerous prisoner, the evil Heckyl, survived! In light of this new threat, Kendall creates a powerful new Dino Charger that unlocks the Red Ranger’s T-Rex Super Charge mode! It will take every Zord, Megazord, and Dino Charger in the Power Rangers’ arsenal to finally unite all ten Energems and save the universe!