Amagi Brilliant Park begins October

Amagi Brilliant Park is a new TV anime series by Kyoto Animation to air this October. The series follows Seiya Kanie , a self proclaimed handsome genius and the beautiful transfer student, Isuzu Sento . Kanie is taken to an old amusement park by Sento and is “persuaded” to help stop the park’s closure.

The anime adapts the light novel series written by Shoji Gatoh , who is also the creator of the Full Metal Panic franchise. Yasuhiro Takemoto will once again be directing Gatoh’s work. He has previously directed Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu and The Second Raid , Hyouka and KyoAni’s 2010 hit movie, The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya .

Seiya Kanie
CV: Kouki Uchiyama ( Raku Ichijou in Nisekoi, Soul Eater Evans in Soul Eater )

Isuzu Sento
CV: Ai Kakuma ( Hato Kenjirou in Genshiken Nidaime , Ruuko Kominato in Selector Infected WIXOSS )

Latifa Fleuranza
CV: Yukiyo Fujii ( Patema in Patema Inverted )

Here is a PV filmed from Comiket 86, previewing the opening song “Extra Magic Hour” by AKINO with bless4 .

Sources: Official Website , PV- Khwan