It’s morphin’ time! Humble Bundle has teamed up with BOOM! Studios in this new Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comics bundle.
Experience the best of BOOM! Studios Power Rangers comics with 46 issues/volumes including some perfect entry points into the Ranger’s storylines.
Get ebooks like Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles featuring the comic book version of the biggest crossover of your childhood, Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers Vol. 1 illustrated by fan favorite artist Dan Mora, and Mighty Morphin #1 which continues the Mighty Morphin storyline and features the NEW Green Ranger.
Humble Bundle Blog
This comics bundle lasts through June 24th, 2021. Pay what you want and support charity!

The bundle is split across multiple tiers with each tier adding more value for your money. Let’s see what you can expect to receive with each tier:

Pay at least £0.70 or more to get:
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #0
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1
Power Rangers: Pink #1
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1
Power Rangers: Drakkon New Dawn #1
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Anniversary Special #1
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Shattered Grid #1

Pay at least £7.06 or more to get:
Power Rangers: Drakkon New Dawn #2
Power Rangers: Drakkon New Dawn #3
Power Rangers: Ranger Slayer #1
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Lost Chronicles Vol. 1
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 1
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 2
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 3
Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers Vol. 1
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Archive Vol. 1
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Pink

Pay at least £12.71 or more to get:
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Lost Chronicles Vol. 2
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 4
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 5
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 6
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 7
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 8
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 9
Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers Vol. 2
Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers Vol. 3
Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers Vol. 4
Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers Vol. 5
Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers Vol. 6

Pay at least £17.65 or more to get:
Mighty Morphin #1
Mighty Morphin #2
Power Rangers #1
Power Rangers #2
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 10
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 11
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 12
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 13
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 14
Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers Vol. 7
Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers Vol. 8
Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers Vol. 9
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Archive Vol. 2
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Power Rangers: Sins of the Future OGN
Saban’s Power Rangers: Soul of the Dragon OGN
Saban’s Power Rangers: The Psycho Path OGN
As with all Humble Bundle’s, the tiers stack so if you buy at the highest tier you’ll gain access to all tiers below.