In somewhat of an announcement frenzy as of late Anime Limited has announced another new acquisition in the form of Jun Maeda’s Charlotte. The 13 episode series will be released across two parts in both a Collector’s Edition Blu-ray & DVD Combi Pack and a standard DVD set. Full details on what we can expect to be included in these set are unable to be confirmed at this time but English, as well as Japanese audio, is confirmed. Charlotte Part 1 is currently scheduled to be released on 29th May 2017 – you can pre-order here at Amazon UK.
We think it’s worth mentioning (as did Anime Limited) that Charlotte is available to stream legally via Crunchyroll.
“A small percentage of adolescents have onsets of special abilities. Yu Otosaka deftly uses an ability that takes over a target’s body for five seconds and gets accepted into a prestigious high school. Just when he is about to start a stable high school life as a popular honor student, a girl named Nao Tomori appears before him. Their encounter reveals the cruel destiny for wielders of special abilities.“