The wonderful people at NIS America have announced that they will bring Odin Sphere Leifthrasir to Europe in June of this year! Fans have been eagerly awaiting any news regarding this title possibly coming to Europe and NIS America have pulled through and continue to provide us with these Atlus titles that not so long ago would never have made their way to our shores. Full details on what to expect from this release can be found below in the press release.
Following our announcement of Grand Kingdom, we are extremely excited to announce that Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is joining our European RPG lineup in June 2016! Odin Sphere Leifthrasir is coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita as both as physical and digital release. All versions will have localized game text in English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish. Check out our brand-new trailer below!
We will also be releasing the special Odin Sphere Leifthrasir “Storybook Edition” for a premium price exclusively for the PlayStation 4, which will be available at select online retailers throughout Europe.
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir “Storybook Edition”
– PS4 version of the game.
– A 64-page hardcover art book, with full color renditions of the glorious Vanillaware art.
– A Potion Recipe t-shirt to remind you of the most basic alchemical recipes.
– A collector’s metal slipcase to house the game.
– Alice and Socrates art print.
– And a premium outer box adorned with the game’s fantastical artwork!About the Game
The kingdom of Valentine was the most powerful country on the continent of Erion. Its people thrived using the magical power of the Crystallization Cauldron, but it was destroyed in one fateful night. And so, a war over the now master-less Cauldron has begun, involving all the nations of the land and growing more intense by the day. Is the End near, as the Prophecy states?